Selection Process
The Committee has compiled a long list(to add to the list or nominate someone email the chairman) of people that have demonstrated outstanding performance in Sports & Activities over the years. The general guidelines for eligibility are for a person to have been graduated from high school for 10 years (although there are exceptions when all but one voter agree). See Criteria above and Hall of Fame goals to further establish list development ideal candidates to submit. This is an ongoing annual process that is solidified between January 1st and March 1st of each year for the following years class of inductees and always announced a year in advance at the Annual Induction Dinner on the Saturday night after the alumni basketball tourney on the first weekend of spring break. To be selected a person must have 50% plus one vote of the selection committee to be inducted.
Hall of Fame Selection Committee(3 Year Term minimum, no limit to how many can serve, and no limit to the number of terms one can serve)
The Committee has(and continues to) interviewed past Pirates, reviewed
yearbooks and newspapers and takes input from anyone who would like to give it.
The members of the committee email each other, text each other, call each other
and once and meet face to face on occasion. If you would like to serve on this
committee or just want to give input or nominate someone to be in the Hall of
Fame, text Chairman, Benjie Hedgecock at 503-559-5398 or email him at, Each year we will make an effort to increase the
size of the committee by adding highly knowledgeable people and also Hall of
Fame Inductees that will help to preserve the integrity and meaningfulness of
this institution.
Benjie Hedgecock, Chairman, 503-559-5398,
Scott Spink, Women’s Bball,M & W Track
Lizann Schults,Volleyball,W & M Track
Rob Henry, Wrestling
Ron Hop, Golf, Men’s Basketball
Larry Ringnalda, Softball
Jim Connelly,Wom Bball,Baseball,Golf,Softball
Hildebrandt, Men’s Basketball, Swimming
Greg White, Baseball
Todd Shirley, Athletic Director
__________, Football
Mitch Coleman, FFA, Speech, Dance, Cheer, Band, Choir
Non Voting Staff Members
Norma Huettl, Dinner & Decorations
Jane Ashley, Ticket Handling
Luke Wildhaber, Video Production